Thursday, March 6, 2014

How to Be Lucky

Luck takes a lot more than clovers, but they can't hurt either. Learning to embrace opportunities and create your own luck can be the difference between a successful, fruitful, and happy life, and passively waiting around for something good to happen. Stop waiting. Make your own success. Grab luck by the collar by learning to set firm goals for yourself and meet them by working smarter, not by working harder. See Step 1 for more information.

We usually think of luck as something that's out of our control, expecting something or someone to descend on us from the clouds and improve life for us. But fortune and fame don't come to the passive. Waiting around for luck instead of creating it for yourself can create negativity and resentment, forcing you to see other people's good fortune as the result of good luck rather than good choices.

    Think of luck as an emotion, more than a certificate or a ticket that gains you access to some exclusive club. Just as you decide to be happy, you can decide to be lucky and become willing to change your behaviors and create opportunities for success yourself, rather than waiting for changes to happen

 If you're busy waiting for things to be perfect, you're going to wait a long time. Learn to recognize opportunities when they arise and improve your chances by embracing the opportunities you do have.

    If you get a big project at work you feel unprepared to tackle, you could either consider that a stroke of bad luck, gripe to your coworkers, and make excuses for yourself, or you could consider it an opportunity to shine in a big way. Think of it less as having to do with luck and more as an opportunity to succeed.