Friday, February 28, 2014

How to Turn a Book Into a Handsome Clock

    Hardcover book. Hardcover is your best bet so that it can stand on its own. I used an old book that I never planned on reading, but another option is to find something with a unique design on the cover. Those are hard to come by these days (because they’re more money to produce), so you may need to look in antique stores. You could also use a favorite book of yours — I know it seems sacrilegious to some, but you can always buy another copy. And this way not only will you be reminded of your favorite work on a regular basis, it will serve as a great conversation piece that will allow you to share your love of it with those who visit.
    Utility knife or X-Acto knife
    Power drill
    Clock kit (can be found at most hobby/craft stores — this one was from Hobby Lobby for $7)
    Clock kit numbers ($2.50)
    Optional: super glue