After spending time working with Crystal Dynamics, Avalanche Studios, Mad Max director George Miller, and Star Wars creator George Lucas, Barlog said he was "ready to come back home."
"There I would use my newly honed powers of awesome to create something that will rock the free world," Barlog said.
Barlog would not go into specifics regarding his current project at Sony Santa Monica, but said he is hiring an Ocean's 11-style cast of developers to work on a "freaking huge" game.
"If you are a freaking rock star unafraid to roll your sleeves up and take risks, reading this thinking that your current digs are feeling…well…a bit small, a bit dull and in need of some excitement--you need to contact me at Sony Santa Monica," Barlog said.
Barlog ended his note saying he will continue working hard to make games so long as consumers promise to buy them. "If you don't, God will kill a puppy," he said.